Monday, June 6, 2011


I read Tina Fey's Bossypants last week on the bus. What a great read! Tina is clever and is appropriately self deprecating. She tells stories that feel like something you experienced yourself, except her stories are a lot more interesting and funnier than the way you would tell it.

I especially liked the first part of the book, leading up to and during her SNL days. I can't get over the fact that she wrote the SNL skit for Mom Jeans. Remember that gem!? Also, she talked a lot about the Sarah Palin skits. My favorite is the first Sarah Palin/Hillary Clinton joint announcement.

I'm glad we chose this book for book club, it was such a fun read. It made me curious about what all goes in to writing sketches, since there is a bit of a formula that goes into making jokes that rile up the audience. I admire comedians, there is a skill and a confidence required to be successful.

In other news, I gave up on Working with You is Killing Me - I feel like my work environment isn't as defunct as some of the relationships discussed in the book. And that's a good thing. I also started reading The Monster of Florence. It is a non-fiction book about the Italian Jack the Ripper serial killer. It's really fascinating so far! Check out the wiki link for more info.