I'm feeling kind of done with this blog for a while. I appreciate anyone who checks out my posts, but I've realized that my favorite part of the whole experience is actually reading the books, not writing about them. I plan to continue on the Time list, but for now (or perhaps permanently) I am going to take a break from this blog. Recently I read Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs and The Happiness Project. I'm working on The Friday Night Knitting Club and Sense and Sensibility.
That being said, I am spending a lot of time baking, and I've been thinking of posting my photo and the recipe online, as well as comments on the treat. Again, not sure if I'll enjoy that part as much as the actual process of baking. I find that so calming and therapeutic, as well as rewarding with a delicious masterpiece to share at the end of the process. for now, I'm just posting photos of my baking adventures on facebook.
Thanks for reading.
Signing off for now,