Saturday, January 30, 2010

American Pastoral

I finished American Pastoral a week ago. It was an interesting story, about a girl who blew up a general store during the Vietnam war, as an act of rebellion. I thought the characters were colorful. As usual there were traces of infidelity. But I don't get why this book was on the list. The last 50 pages or so unraveled really quickly, and I don't feel like there was closure on many of the main events. New "cans of worms" were opened towards the end of the book that didn't seem to lead anywhere except a downward spiral.

I know this isn't a wordy or persuasive post... But I'm already on the next book, The Big Sleep. More to come soon!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I did not give up

I know it has been a LONG time since I've posted. These are really long books. Stay tuned, because I'm halfway finished with American Pastorial. I never knew there was so much detail to making gloves.