Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Poisonwood Bible

Have you ever been to Africa? Have you ever wanted to? It isn't a country I wanted to see, other than the Pyramids in Egypt. But after reading The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, I was transfixed by the vivid colors, scents, and sounds of Central Africa.

This was an amazing read set in the Congo from 1960s-1980s. It's about the Baptist Price family that goes to the Congo for a mission. The Price family is overwhelmed by changes from their lifestyle in Georgia, for seemingly simple things like shopping at the market and preparing meals, to dealing with more dramatic events such as droughts, floods, and ant plagues. Add in Father Price's incessant "my way or the highway" preaching, things just don't go right for the family.

The country breaks free of Belgium rule during the mission, and this changes life for all. There is civil unrest in the country and all whites are encouraged to leave. But most of the Price family stays, and their lives are forever changed by the pivotal events that follow.

I really liked how the narrators of the book were the mother and four children (all girls). Each chapter was told from the perspective of one of these women. I found it really interesting how as the girls grew into women, their voice maintained the same confidence, but their perspective changed based on all that they had experienced. I resonated with Leah the most when she was a girl, and with the mother as all of her chapters were written after she left Africa.

I'd rank this is one of the best books I have read in the last six months, maybe even the last year. It was a great read and I'd recommend it to anyone who is looking to learn about a new part of the world.

I'm reading Catching Fire, the second in the series about The Hunger Games. Nest post coming soon!


Allison said...

Hi Mary! I just started this book...glad to hear you liked it!

mary said...

I hope you enjoy it! I just picked up KIngsolver's newest novel for my nezt trip. I can't wait to read it!